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What's the Point of Wednesday Mornings?

Coach Gardinera

Friday Night Lights is a great way to watch the boys compete. But Wednesday Morning Lights is a great way to prepare young men for their entire life.

In case you are wondering why there is an open speed workout at 6 am, which means they are up at 5-something to go out in the cold and run, here's why it matters.


In a word, commitment.  If they learn nothing else from football, how great would it be if they were prepared to get up early and work harder than everyone else because they had a goal they were willing to do whatever it takes to reach.  That alone makes 6 am mean something.


How about perseverance?  It is cold.  Running isn't fun (to me anyway).  And they could be sleeping, which we know teens like to do.  But they show up, they work hard and they don't complain.  That's right, they do not complain.  What if that translates to college and the understanding that they have to show up for that early morning class, even though no one is forcing them too.


How about TEAM?  This morning we had four STUDENT/Athletes show up, even though they couldn't or shouldn't be running.  Two have a playoff basketball game tonight (Wednesday, February 13th) and two are injured.  Yet all four were there to support their family.  Wouldn't it be great if the boys grow up and show up for others, even when they have things to do later or when they can't participate, but want to show support for their family?

Reality is...

Football has risks.  But the next time someone asks if you are nervous, which we all can be from time to time, remind them that it also has rewards that can translate to commitment, perseverance and TEAM. From showing up when they'd rather not, working harder before most people wake up and being there even when they don't have to be.


Oh, and our incredible speed trainers Rod Williams and Brian Moore are track coaches, so they can't be here in the afternoons.  :-)    Learn more about Speed to Enhance Performance (S.T.E.P. Academy) and Rod and Brian.

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