With the help of #LetThemPlayCA and the Golden State Head Football Coaches Community and a little lawsuit from members of the #FalconFootballFamily, football is back.
Friday, February 19th was a big day for kids all over California. After 11 months of restrictions, our kids can get back on the field to compete. Governor Gavin Newsom finally came around, after lengthy discussions and countless meetings with the #LetThemPlayCA and Golden State Head Football Coaches Community to allow outdoor high school sports to return on Friday, February 26th if counties are at 14 cases, per 100,000 people.
On the same day, the case between Gardinera vs. County of San Diego, Wilma Wooten in her official capacity, California Department of Public Heath, and the Governor in his official capacity was decided. We were issued a temporary restraining order and granted immediate relief to return to play. That ruling broadened the scope, well beyond Governor Newsom's announcement earlier in the day.
The dust is still settling and the specifics are still being worked out, but there will be a football season.
More information to come.