We are five games in with a perfect record (5-0). Now it is time to heal up, get stronger and get ready for City League match ups. With that in mind, here is the schedule for the week.

Varsity/JV - Weight Room at 2:30 pm, Grade Check at 3:30 pm
Freshmen - Study Hall at 2:30 pm, Weight Room at 3:30 pm, Practice at 4:15 pm (Upper)
Varsity - Meetings at 2:45 pm, Practice at 4 pm
JV/Freshmen - Study Hall at 2:30 pm, Practice at 4 pm
Varsity/JV - Weight Room at 2:30 pm
Freshmen - Study Hall at 2:30 pm, Practice at 4 pm (Upper Field)
Varsity - Meetings at 2:45 pm, Practice at 4 pm
JV - Study Hall at 2:30 pm, Practice at 4 pm
Freshmen Game at University City High School at 3:30 pm
Varsity/JV - Practice 2:45 pm